Bendigo Writers Festival
Friday, July 19, 2019 at 7:48AM

I am at the moment writing madly to finish Rowland Sinclair #10 - A Testament of Character by its August deadline, so I have been wandering the country talking about books for a while... but I will be at the fabulous Bendigo Writers Festival, where I will be appearing with many wonderful writers including two of my fellow travellers to America for the On the Run tour.

The program is listed here.

I'll be appearing on Friday the 9th August (11-12pm: Blind Cow Pottery) with Robert Gott in a session entitled In the Bush No One Can Hear You Scream.  If that sounds a bit grisley for you I can pretty well guarantee you'll be screaming with laughter.

Then later.... (9.30 - 10.30 pm Friday 9 August) 

Crime After Dark.  A gang of crime writers will walk into a bar.  I'll be one of those crime writers.  And we'll read the best bits from our books.  The event will be hosted by Andrew Nette and feature Robert Gott, Jarad Henry, Jock Serong and myself.  This is a free event at the Festival Club at the Bendigo Bowls Club.

On Saturday 10th August I am appearing with Jock Serong and Anna Snoekstra to discuss What I Have Written with Kate Cuthbert - an interrogation about ideas and why we write what we do the way we do.

And finally on Sunday the 11th (11-12 pm), Robert Gott, Fleur Ferris and  I will be discussing What's New in Crime with Andrew Nette.


This is my first return to the Bendigo Writers Festival since its inaugral year.  I'm really looking forward to it.  Hope to see you there.


Article originally appeared on Sulari Gentill (
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