This is the website of Sulari Gentill, author of fiction and now these pages. Welcome! I'm still trying to figure this site building thing out so please bear with me as I bumble around trying to get all the buttons to work. Hopefully these pages will tell you a little about me and my books. Please feel free to contact me by posting a comment here - I will respond as soon as time allows. Thank you for visiting.
PS. If you'd like to talk to me directly you can reach me by email at sularigentill(AT)bordernet(dot)com(dot)au.
PPS. A Few Right Thinking Men will be in bookstores by 1 June.
A Few Right Thinking Men is on the shelves. Really...I've seen it...stood there in Dymocks taking photos of the shelf like some lunatic. Now I just need people to go in and take it off the shelves...and pay for it...and love it....
Reader Comments (3)
.... congratulations from a very proud sister over in the UK. despite racking my brains, can't possibly take any credit for your success....so instead will bask in your reflected glory.... half of Oxford already knows about my sister, the 'novellist'..love Nx
I found the book "A few right thinking men" very impressive and absorbing reading. It kept my interest in an abiding manner till the end and the plot is imaginative. The ease with which the author goes about unfolding the story contributes in no small measure to kindling the interest of the reader, with the constant question as to what is coming next. Whilst the depressed economic conditions of the early thirties of the past century were more or less global and well known, I was not familiar with the particular political situation locally in Australia and reading this book has certainly helped me to improve my knowledge and thus understand better the position and outlook of some Aussies with whom I have come in contact over the last forty years or more. The command and subtle use of the language and idiom renders this book a piece of literary work suitable to be recommended to young up and coming students of literature.
Congratulations and thank you for promising to continue with the adventures of Rowland Sinclair. I am looking forward eagerly to the next!
a remarkable achievement
you have the milieu exactly
can I ask how you came to know so much about the old and new guards?